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Today, this insect has been washed up. Every day in the water we drink, we can not kill him at 120 degrees.

Time:2018-10-24 Views:1961
his insect is being cleaned today.
120 degrees Celsius can‘t kill him.
Survival at least 0 minutes at low temperature for at least 2 minutes.
It‘s hard to kill it in a vacuum.
Under the microscope.

Yes, it is in the water we drink every day!
Maybe you drink it often. The water works didn‘t kill it.
At present, the most effective way to deal with it is to use water purifier.
Only by filtering the filter element of water purifier can we filter bacteria and viruses easily.
Deep clean water faucet,
Nine stage filtration.
Filter out impurities in water and restore natural water.
Split design, easy installation.
The filter core can be cleaned and has a longer service life.
Buy an air conditioner more than 3000, and spend three months a year! Buy a washing machine more than 4000, wash it once a day! Buy a LCD TV more than 5000 and watch two hours a day! Buy a water purifier more than 3000, twenty-four hours to pay attention to your family‘s healthy life! Food is the first and food is water, and water is net. To install a water purifier at home is to give the family an external kidney. So for the sake of your and your family‘s health, please install a water purifier, so that you and your family‘s health has a safety guarantee.
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